“Whose idea was this?” we asked ourselves half way up the mountain range. Surrounded by nothing but desert, dirt, and hot sunrays beaming down on us, we began to question whether the hike to the Hollywood sign was really worth it.

After putting one foot in front of the other for forty-five minutes, we finally curved the final turn and ended at the top of the mountain. Our reward was an eagle’s eye view of the entire city of Los Angeles. Not to mention, the infamous Hollywood sign standing directly in front of us.

Even though quitting had crossed our minds, I am grateful that we did not pick the comfort of our couch over the intensity of a hike.

Instead, we decided to live dangerously.

In the same way, God has not called us to live comfortably or silently. God has called us to live dangerously. That is exactly why See You At The Pole is essential! Spiritual warfare needs to take place on YOUR campus! This event is the one school day where prayer is not only promoted, but expected. Stand up and live dangerously for the Gospel! The enemy is scared of what is going to happen on Wednesday as students all over the nation cry out for revival. God wants you to be dangerous.

In Matthew 16:15, Jesus asks those closest to him one of the most profound questions in all of Scripture, “Who do you say I am?”

I believe that this question is not just meant for the twelve original disciples. It is a question for our generation. People are spreading rumors about Jesus: Your friends say he’s a waste of time. Atheists say he’s I’m a myth. Muslims say that he’s just another good prophet. Buddhists say that he’s not the only way to the Father. But Jesus is pressing us and saying, “who do YOU say I am?”

In verse 16, Simon-Peter is the first to answer Jesus’ question: “You are the Messiah, Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

Jesus is saying to Peter: Because you identified me, I will identify you. And with that identity comes the authority to be dangerous. You are no longer Simon (small stone), but you are Peter (large rock) and upon this solid confession of who you say that I am, I will build my church! Not only that, but my church will be so expansive with energy and power that not even the gates of Hades will be able to keep it out! The church was made for battle! Not only are we called to live dangerously, but we are called to be dangerous to the kingdom of darkness.

Dare to dream big for your campus. Dare to shake the spiritual walls of your school as you advance the kingdom of God. Dare to be dangerous.

See You At The Pole is a powerful opportunity to be bold, but so is every other day at the year. What is God speaking to you about your school? Does he want you to start a daily prayer group? Does he want you to start a campus movement? For ideas go to www.youthalive.com

And don’t forget about Fusion! Register today! www.pfyouth.com

Written by:
Natalie Barnoske
Youth Alive Missionary/Evangelist
Co-Founder of Generation Outcry International
